OpenGL context & framebuffer configuration types.
OpenGL API version.
Major version part.
Minor version part.
Constructor taking a major and a minor version parts.
Returns whether major.minor is a valid OpenGL version.
Valid versions are 1.x up to 1.5, 2.0, 2.1, 3.x up to 3.3. For now all versions starting from 4.0 are considered valid.
Returns whether this object represents a valid API version.
See Version.isValid.
Returns whether this API version has a profile.
Versions starting from 3.2 has a profile.
Returns whether this API version can be forward compatible.
Versions starting from 3.0 can be forward compatible.
Ordering comparison for two versions.
Convert version to string using specified format.
OpenGL context compatibility requirements.
See Core And Compatibility in Contexts in OpenGL wiki.
No compatibility requirements.
When used for versions starting from 3.2 a core profile is required.
Also this option should be used for creating 1.x and 2.x contexts
which has no explicit compatibility options and all are backward compatible.
Backward compatible context.
When used for version 3.1 a GL_ARB_compatibility extension is required.
For later versions a compatibility profile is required.
Can be used starting from version 3.1 as all previous versions are
backward compatible.
Forward compatible context.
Any deprecated features are unavailable in such context.
See Forward compatibility in OpenGL wiki.
When used for versions starting from 3.2 a core profile is required.
Can be used starting from version 3.0 as this version
introduced deprecation concept.
OpenGL context configuration description.
Context version.
See Version.
Context compatibility requirements.
See Compatibility.
Whether context is a debug context.
Returns whether this object represents a valid context configuration.
Returns active thread context version.
Returns active thread context configuration.
Returns whether active thread context support the extension.
Framebuffer configuration.
Color bits.
Color buffer bits.
Depth bits.
Stencil bits.
Accumulation buffer bits.
Auxiliary buffers count.
Whether this framebuffer format is hardware accelerated.
Whether this framebuffer format is double buffered.
Whether this framebuffer format is stereo, i.e. color buffer has left/right pairs.
Multisample buffer coverage & color samples count.
Non-zero values indicate multisampling is available for
this framebuffer format. If no multisampling is available,
both values are zero.
coverageSamples >= colorSamples is always true.
Whether this framebuffer format is sRGB capable.
Structure for framebuffer configuration selection.
Returns whether given framebuffer configuration is usable.
If null, every framebuffer configuration is considered usable.
Every delegate in this array returns weight of a given framebuffer configuration.
A configuration with the minimum weight is preffered.
If weights contains multiple delegates, they are applied sequentially
starting from the first one until there is the only one preffered
configuration or there is no more delegates.
If weights is empty or if after applying all delegates there are
multiple preffered configurations, any one is selected.
Returns whether this object represents a valid structure for framebuffer configuration selection..
Information for OpenGL context creation & framebuffer configuration selection.
Requested context configuration.
See ContextConfig.
Requested framebuffer configuration selection.
See FramebufferSelection.
Returns whether this object represents a valid information for context creation & framebuffer configuration selection.